Color & How Useful it is in Your Home

Colorful Stained GlassThe amount of color in a space can make or break its function. Kitchens look great with cooler colors such as blue and grey while studies and dens are perfect with warmer tones, such as browns and reds.

Warm tones, like red, orange and yellow can energize a space and its occupants while cooler tones such as blue, green and purple encourage quiet, relaxing atmospheres. Keeping in mind the function of a given space when picking out the color scheme perpetuates how the room is used. Green, for example, is said to encourage critical thinking. It is therefore best used in libraries or where you anticipate studying and reading will take place.

Color, being an important component to any interior design, can also be used to your advantage to create an inviting space. Careful not to venture into more neutral colors such as oatmeal and beige, brighter pastels are always inviting in any room of your house. Also remain mindful to stay away from overly bold colors, such as deep crimson or bright orange, as these are very passionate and emotional colors.

The only time you would want to use a neutral color such as light brown or eggshell white is when you are selling or renting your home. This is because you want the space to appeal to a wide and diverse market. Neutral colors are more appealing and more likely to get a quicker sell because they offer the prospective buyer or tenant an effective clean slate to make their own.

Color in interior design however, is an essential and important element of interior design, and not purely from an aesthetic point of view. Different colors influence everything from energy levels, intellect and passion. On the same token color can bring a room together or even break it up, influencing the perception of space.