The Importance of Protective Coverings for Stained Glass Windows

Stained glass windows can make a beautiful addition to just about any type of building. Whether you’re having new stained glass windows installed in a church, business, or any other type of property, you’re likely going to want to protect your investment. Not only do stained glass windows look great, but they also enhance your building’s aesthetic appeal and overall value. In order to keep your windows in one piece, you should consider having protective coverings placed over them.

One of the best reasons to have protective coverings installed on your windows is that they will keep them safe from vandalism. We’re sad to say that stained glass windows can be a particularly attractive target for people looking to deface your property. Whether someone is trying to break in or just cause trouble, a heavy rock or similar object could be used to shatter your windows. With sturdy coverings you won’t have to worry about this happening ever again.

Fortunately, coverings won’t take away from the quality of your windows. You and your guests will still be able to fully enjoy the images depicted in the stained glass while leaving them completely protected from the outside. Better yet, coverings can be vented to ensure no heat or moisture accumulates on them.

At Cumberland Stained Glass, we offer stained glass window coverings that are made from maintenance-free aluminum. Once the coverings are placed on your windows, you won’t have to worry about any sort of upkeep. If you’re looking for a simple and affordable way to keep your windows safe, please contact us today to learn more!