Tips for Styling a Room with Stained Glass Windows

Custom Residential Stained Glass Windows in Mechanicsburg PAResidential stained glass windows are not nearly as uncommon as they used to be. Since stained glass has become more affordable and widespread, it is more accessible to the average homeowner. As a result, many people choose to harness the ethereal beauty of stained glass windows to enhance their space.

Part of the appeal of residential stained glass is that it brings something unique to a home. Unfortunately, this can make it a bit of a challenge to implement an interior design scheme that fully capitalizes on this singularity without clashing with it. If you’re trying to find that perfect balance, here are a few tips to help you style your space around your one-of-a-kind stained glass windows!

Contrast ornate stained glass windows with modern elements in your space.

Stained glass window panels usually have intricate, opulent patterns—one of the characteristics that makes them so unique to begin with. To create a seamless look, make stained glass windows the focal point of the room off of which you can build the rest of your design.

One of the best ways to highlight the distinctive beauty of stained glass windows is with sleek, modern furniture and décor that emphasizes their ornate quality without working against it. Think minimalism, straight lines, metallic fixtures, and a neutral color palette.

Use white trim to make stained glass stand out.

A fresh white frame is essential to making stained glass windows look like true works of art. Paint the door, surrounding walls, and window trim white to bring out the shine in the glass and make the colors and patterns pop. A white base is also a great foundation if you choose to use those modern design elements to accentuate your stained glass windows.

Maximize natural light.

One of the top advantages of stained glass windows in the home is that they offer the same privacy as regular covered windows without sacrificing any natural light. Design your space in a way that maximizes this extra light to create a bright and airy atmosphere.

If you have other windows in the room, opt for lightweight and light-colored curtains or window treatments to keep the natural light levels as consistent as possible. A warmer color palette of softer hues will blend well with the sunlight to achieve that breezy vibe. For your décor, use mirrors and other reflective surfaces and materials to help spread the light across the room.

Work with the colors and patterns in your stained glass windows.

Choose one or two of the dominant colors and/or patterns in your stained glass window design to layer throughout the room for a cohesive style. Look at the shapes that create the patterns and extend them through to area rugs, throw pillows, furniture, and other textiles you use to furnish your space. The more you use the pattern, the bolder and more visually interesting your design will be—just be careful not to overdo it and leave the room feeling busy and distracting.

Follow this same idea with the color in your stained glass windows, particularly if you prefer a look that’s a little more subtle. Pull one or two of the colors in the windows throughout your space to help tie everything together harmoniously.

Add a touch of luxury to your home without wreaking havoc on your existing interior design with custom stained glass windows from Cumberland Stained Glass! We specialize in creating stained glass windows and accents that fit seamlessly into residential spaces. Our team will work with you to design the perfect installation to fit your vision.

Contact us today to get started on your custom residential piece!