The Differences Between Stained and Leaded Glass

Stained Vs. Leaded Glass

What’s the difference between stained glass and leaded glass? Oftentimes, people use these terms interchangeably and that’s fine, though industry insiders would differentiate them in one major way: leaded suggests no color is involved while stained implies color. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Whether or not your glass is clear or stained, one thing is for… Read more »

Stained Glass Windows and the Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding and Stained Glass Windows

Did you see Prince Harry marry Meghan Markle? That was an impressive wedding, to say the least. Millions of people watched the event, televised for all to see worldwide. Much of the day took place in the town of Windsor in the United Kingdom. For those of you who might not know, Windsor is a… Read more »

Give a Loved One the Unique Gift of Stained Glass Windows

Residential Stained Glass Windows

If you’re looking to get someone a gift, but that person seems to “have everything,” here’s something they might not have… yet: stained glass windows in their home. Talk about an elegant and memorable gift– stained glass windows are something people admire and talk about for years. Whether it’s a gift or something you treat… Read more »

How Does Stained Glass Deteriorate?

Broken Stained Glass

Over time, things can happen to stained glass windows, including damage and deterioration. Broken Glass The glass itself, if poorly processed or impure, can have tiny internal fractures or minor discolorations. Of course good old dirt can make stained glass windows dirty– which can be cleaned, thankfully. And glass, whether we like it or not,… Read more »

How Stained Glass Symbolizes Faith

Stained Glass Window In Church

Did you ever wonder why some Christian churches look so majestic with their spires, bell towers, and gorgeous stained glass windows? Church builders throughout the centuries have tried to make their buildings the most impressive looking buildings in a city. It was and is there way of showing a glimpse of the glory of God… Read more »

Why Do So Many Catholic Churches Feature Stained Glass Windows?

Stained Glass Windows

Catholic churches– especially the older ones– have long been known for their ornate and elaborate stained glass windows. Why do so many Catholic churches have them? Communication For starters, long ago we have to remember that the majority of people couldn’t read. Therefore, when the church wanted to communicate Bible stories and ideas to people,… Read more »

An Interesting Look At the Science of Stained Glass Window

Stained Glass Windows

 Did you know there are people who professionally study glass? Take John Mauro, for instance. He’s a researcher at Penn State who is interested in the physics and chemistry of glassy materials like stained glass windows. He decided to investigate 13th-century glass in order to dispel a longstanding myth that cathedral glass is thicker at… Read more »

Keep These Things in Mind When Cleaning Stained Glass Windows

Cleaning Stained Glass Windows

People who move into homes with stained glass windows often clean everything but their stained glass windows. Why is that? Could they fear they’re going to break them if they dare get near them or touch them? Perhaps. Ideally, if you have stained glass windows in your home or office and you want to clean… Read more »

The Advantages of Stained and Leaded Glass Windows

Custom oval shaped stained glass window

You’ve heard of stained glass but you’re probably not that familiar with the term leaded glass. Interestingly, stained glass actually is leaded glass. Both terms can be used interchangeably. Stained Glass Vs. Leaded Glass Windows So what’s the difference, then? In general, leaded glass suggests no color is involved while stained glass implies color. If… Read more »