Are Protective Coverings for Stained Glass Windows Necessary?

Protective coverings for stained glass windows, while not always necessary, are generally something that will extend their longevity and help prevent damage. Cumberland Stained Glass regularly applies properly vented protective coverings to stained glass windows. Research has shown that one square inch of venting on the top and bottom of a window’s protective covering installation… Read more »

What are the Advantages of Stained Glass Windows?

Cleaning Stained Glass Windows

For centuries, grand cathedrals were known for their elaborate stained glass windows. In the old days, stained glass was a rarity, reserved for rich people and organizations like the Catholic Church who could afford them. Today, however, stained glass windows are seen in a variety of places and more affordable to the masses. Whether you’re… Read more »

How Were Stained Glass Windows Made in Medieval Times?

Stained glass windows have been around for a long time, and back in The Middle Ages, between 1150 and 1500, the creation, installation, and enjoyment of stained glass windows in European cathedrals had their heyday. Thanks to written records from people of the time, such as Theophilus, a German monk, we can have an understanding… Read more »

Stained Glass Windows Have an Important Place in World History

Stained glass windows have fascinated many people over the centuries. Not only are they colorfully beautiful, especially when the sun shines through them, but they also have the ability to communicate messages and stories to people long after they’re initially placed in a building. Did you know that stained glass windows were, for many years,… Read more »

The Importance of Protective Coverings for Stained Glass Windows

Stained glass windows can make a beautiful addition to just about any type of building. Whether you’re having new stained glass windows installed in a church, business, or any other type of property, you’re likely going to want to protect your investment. Not only do stained glass windows look great, but they also enhance your… Read more »

What are the Origins of Stained Glass?

Stained Glass Windows

The first confirmed man-made glass was in Egypt as glass beaded jewelry. It was however the Romans who perfected the art of creating small colored glass items. Archeologists found Romans manufacture stained glass for more than just beads. Stained glass inception was designed initially for Roman Catholic churches, first in Rome and then throughout all… Read more »

Beauty Still Exists in a World of Pain

Stained Glass Windows

Just glancing at the news nowadays and you’re in for one heck of a rude awakening. There is so much tragedy on a daily basis and we understood that the news stations all across the country are prone to stories that lean toward the macabre; after all, they need to get those ratings and being… Read more »

How Stained Glass is Made

You may look at stained glass windows and wonder how exactly they are made The process is actually pretty fascinating, involving several people from the initial design stages to the final cementing process. In general, the production of stained glass starts with the artist, who will sketch an outline of the eventual window. Next, an… Read more »

How to Clean Stained Glass

Stained Glass

Stained glass windows can add a beautiful touch to any type of building, and they allow you to give your rooms a unique look that is unlike anything else. However, it is important to keep in mind that, just like regular windows, stained glass can become dirty overtime. Dust, grime, and other types of particles… Read more »

Integrating Daylight with Design

Daylight as a light source with a spectrum dependent on solar position and sky conditions, it is also rich in the short-wavelength portion of the visible spectrum. This is proven to support both alertness and circadian sleep. It’s subsequently serves an effective purpose in office buildings and other places of employment. In addition to encouraging… Read more »